Biodiversity and Natural Heritage documentaries from Iceland, Madeira in Portugal and Cantabria in Spain

Unique biodiversity of Madeira and how to support it.

An interview with Virgílio Silva from Associação dos Amigos do Parque Ecológico do Funchal, a group of people who have been running reforestation and maintenance activities in Madeira to recover the forests after wildfires, and support the biodiversity of the island.

Learning Biodiversity in Iceland - 2024

This short documentary film is a brief exploration about the ways humans are relating with nature and the multiplicity of life in the context of Iceland, 2024. We asked different people from different ways of life their observations about biodiversity and how can we foster caring for nature in younger generations. This documentary is part of the international Erasmus+ Project "Biodiversity Illustrated", a cooperation between Iceland, Spain and Portugal for cultural regeneration and human ecology.

Natural Value of the Iberian Peninsula.

In this video, we take you on a walk in Spain to explore the natural value of the Mediterranean Basin Hotspot. We discuss the biodiversity and unique climate of the region, highlighting various plant and animal species. We also address the threats faced by this ecosystem and emphasizes the importance of conservation efforts.

Interview about the Biodiversity Illustrated project - Casa das Artes RTP Madeira.

The book "Carrying the Seeds of Life​: The 36 Biodiversity Hotspots and the Future of Life on Earth" about Cahya's adventures saw the light on January 25th, along with 36 illustrations by artists from around the world .